Sunday, February 5, 2012

Super Yum not Superbowl

So I'm not a big fan of football in general, but Superbowl Sunday fuels a desire in me to find something else to do... Like cooking! Or sleeping... I  spent some time this week looking through recipe files and trying to find enough recipes to keep me occupied leading up to the big event, and filling enough to keep me comatose while the actual event happened..... So this is what I made: yogurt, pita bread, chicken shawarma, hummous, falafel, garlic sauce and a yummy yogurt tahini sauce...  Oh yah... I cooked way too many chickpeas so with the leftovers I whipped up some crunchy candied chickpeas.... Super yummy...
Since I'm too full to think coherently I will have to post recipes later.. But here are some photos of my hard work :-)