Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Wow, not a lot of time to post here... not a lot of time to make fabulous meals and desserts either :(

But it's spring today!!! Yay!

My Mom is a bit sad today.... it's the day her Dad, my Grandfather, passed away. He was the most amazing man I've ever met and I find myself forever comparing other men to him... I know I shouldn't. It's not really fair... but I do it. He was amazingly handy (I thought all men were until I started dating!)... he had a gentle nature about him with those he loved and could sometimes come off a little gruff.. though I rarely saw that side of him. I have such wonderful memories of him and am blessed to have had him in my life. Sending out a virtual hug to my Mom today (gently).

In other news I have finally found a reputable source for rough diamonds... pretty unassuming in the rough eh? I know that others could have done it in less time than it took me.... but I researched carefully in the time that I had. Having an online 'gig' is great when there's time but I find that my real life has been very full lately (which is really nice).

Charlie's birthday was on Saturday... he was a rescue so we got to pick his birthday! We knew approximately how old he was but didn't have an exact date when we got him. So the girls and I put our heads together and picked March 17th. He is now 2.

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